Sunday, December 7, 2008

Finally Home

So, I am finally back in Chicago, at my own place, with my own computer and own bed. It's great to be home!

The flights over were fine - I ended up sitting in a middle row with no one next to me on the flight from Hyd to Frankfurt, so that was nice. I got uber excited when the stewardess was coming around with bread and jams, and I scored some Nutella.... sometimes, it's the small things.

I slept almost the whole time over, which was great. I've never been able to sleep on planes: 1. because I am usually super uncomfortable and 2. because I'm afraid something will go wrong with the plane while I'm sleep. I think I'm starting to get over my fear of flying, but seeing as I want to stay put in Chicago for a while, it may go to waste till next July when I go to the motherland.

The stop in Frankfurt was quick, and I was 'specially selected' to have my carry-ons screened by an agent - I'm not sure what set it off, but they wiped down objects in my carry on, looking for some sort of residue or something - but I happily obliged since the last thing I need right now is to be blacklisted by the Frankfurt airport.

The flight to Chicago was a bit uncomfortable, mainly since I was so anxious to get the heck home. Sat next to a very attractive (and OF COURSE married) guy, but that was ok since we didn't really talk (but it was that comfortable silence kind of thing). Watched a bunch of non-US movies (Sarkar Raj, Non Pensarci, Robert Zimmermann wundert sich über die Liebe), ate like there was no tomorrow, and thought of all the things I was going to do when I got home.

Got home, unpacked, shared my stories, and fully knocked out around 8pm. Saturday I got my hair cut (I sort said "Just chop it all off') and got a facial (which was followed up with a "you should get a face peel" - UM,NO) and then did my grocery shopping and dropped off about 75% of all my stuff back at my place. Chilled the rest of the night, and again knocked out super early.

Today I went to church with my parents, and now I am finally finally back at HOME. I need to upload my billion pics, sort through all my gifts and figure out how I'm going to get the energy to get into work tomorrow. :S

All that said, the experience was tremendous. Viraj, our expat in Hyd, made a comment that I "drank the Kool-Aid" while I was there, which I think is stretching it just a bit. I did enjoy my time overall, but I think I'm done with the Far East for now. Next stop? Who knows, but my passport is ready!

Peace out -

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