I spent much of the morning trying to unpack and decide on how to organize things. The hotel we are put up in is VERY nice - the bed is nice and big, the bathroom is very modern, and I even have a comfy armchair and ottoman to catch up on my reading. The closet space, however, leaves something to be desired. I really want to feel like I am living here, and not just temporarily on assignment, so I took everything out of my suitcases and stored them away. My bathroom looks like an end cap display at a Walgreens with all the body products and medicine i brought, but at least i feel like this is my space now. I even set up a mini book display (in front of the TV no less), so i think I've done a good job of marking my territory.
Then, I ate breakfast with one of the other 'expats', Brian. The food is decent and they have juice, so i'm all good. I will miss milk ( I could eat cereal breakfast, lunch and dinner) but they have good carby muffins and eggs, so I will survive. After more unpacking and bobbling about on the Internet, a whole group of us went out into some markets and drove about the city. I bought two pairs of flip flops for 400 Rupee (about 8 USD) since i totally forgot to bring any here with me. They are cute and I even haggled with the guy to drop the price by 60 Rupee, which I can use to get my eyebrows threaded TWICE here at the hotel's spa. The savings are really incredible.... :P
While we were about shopping, it dawned on me that barely no women work at any of the places we visited today. Almost all the people at the hotel are male, and I found it interesting that even the housekeeping staff are all men. I also find it amusing when a tough Indian man tries to sell me a soft, light pink pashmina. I suppose it's just one of the cultural differences between here and home.
After the shops, we went to the home of a long-term expat here from Chicago (Jill) and hung out a bit. Her house is huge and super nice. She brought over two cats and was telling us the silliness of getting pets over the border, including getting them ok'd with the USDA. Who knew that kitties could be certified?
So now, I am chilling in my hotel room. My room faces the pool and outdoor eating area, and Saturday nights are BBQ nights. The music they are playing is awesome. So far, I've heard Guns 'N' Roses, Bon Jovi (I can NEVER escape that man) and right now Led Zepplin. The tables are lit with these neon lights, and it looks pretty sweet from my room, but my camera won't take a good shot. So instead, I leave you with a shot from the Shilparamam Market. Adios!
1 comment:
So other than the random g-chat messages sent, whats the best way to contact you?
So about shrek's B-day, since you asked. Friday night dinner went very well. We went to Salud and it was just me, Shrek, Iris and Yonic, but othr joined us later to go to Sound bar. I got yelled at my some bouncer that thought I hit his car trying to park (I didn't...but it's actually a funny story that can't be relayed in text). Alan showed up and was talking to me all night, the poking and 5th grade flirting was still there, but this time he actually reached over and BIT my neck. Yes, you read that correctly...BIT me. How strange.
Than Saturday night we went to Republic for Part 2, and I was having a really good night. I met a new guy (Adam), and danced with him all night....Until we had to take Yonic to the Hospital for a Busted Lip. So I spent the rest of the night, until 7am, with Lisa, and Shrek at Cook County.
I'm sure your wondering "why"....Check your e-mail. :o)
Hope you had a good dinner. Talk to you later. By the way I can't see the picture, but it might be the security on my work comp.
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