Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So, I'm in Hyderabad, which is just under 400 miles away from Mumbai.

I was watching TV (Friends) after coming to the Novotel after work and started flipping through channels. I got to the news channels "section" of the remote, and every single channel had the activities going on in Mumbai on. Most of the channels are in Urdu or Hindi, but by the images, I could tell that not all was well.

Once the BBC had the story, I could understand what was going on, and the sheer horror of what had (and still is) taken place. It's scary to be away from home for any amount of time, but to be a clear foreigner in a country that already has political and religious instability just emphasizes the situation.

Hyd is clearly on alert - the security at the hotel has been increased, there are more police and men checking cars coming in and out of the complex our hotel is in, even at the office, they are doing bag checks and more detailed checks of the vehicles and people coming in.

I don't have much else to say except that this is senseless and my heart goes out to anyone affected by it.

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